Facts About our Carbon Cleaning Service
Our Motorvac Fuel Carbon Cleaning System is a revolutionary new process that will clean your vehicle’s fuel system, including injectors, and remove harmful carbon deposits. Our system utilizes a unique cleaning solution that will not damage your vehicle’s sophisticated engine components.
After our Motorvac Carbon Cleaning System cleans your engine. You will notice improved performance, acceleration and increased fuel economy.
A Clean Engine Runs Better
Since you purchased your new vehicle, and from regular driving and daily wear and tear, dirt, varnishes and carbon deposits have been forming in your vehicles fuel system. These contaminants can cause a loss of performance, decreased fuel economy, and could lead to costly engine repairs. Traditional tune ups cannot fix these problems
Symptoms related to carbon build-up
- Poor fuel economy
- Engine pinging
- Poor acceleration
- Lack of power
- Repeated stalling or poor performance when cold
- Rough idle and hesitation
At Roselands Automotive Services we have the Motorvac Carbon Cleaning System for both gas and diesel engines. If you have any question regarding this recommended service feel free to call.
Service Includes
- Clean fuel injectors
- Clean ISC / ASC motor, as required
- Clean throttle body air intake
- Visually inspect fuel lines and fuel rail
- Pressure test fuel pump
- Test and visually inspect fuel pump, pressure regulator, vacuum line and connections
- Decarbonize intake manifold
- Decarbonize intake and exhaust valves
- Decarbonize combustion chamber and pistons
- Test exhaust emission
How MotorVac Works
When Sun® MotorVac Carbon Clean is hooked up to your engine, the Carbon Cleaning solution combines with gasoline to clean fuel rail, injectors and jets. This powerful combination:
- Removes the tar and gum that can restrict the flow of fuel
- Eliminates soft carbon deposits that can keep valves from working properly
- Cleans gum and soft carbon from the piston and rings, providing improved compression
The result? You’ll notice improved performance, restored economy and lower emissions. In sort, you’ll notice a better driving experience and a cleaner-running car